Can carpet cleaning remove dog urine?

Although we can generally greatly improve the stain and odor, replacement is the only way to guarantee 100% remediation. Professional carpet cleaning can effectively remove some dog urine stains and odors with proper techniques and enzymatic cleaners. Unfortunately, and all too often, it can penetrate the backing of the carpet and into the padding and subfloor, which can require replacement. The amount of urine in the carpet significantly influences whether it can be removed (an accident or two vs. regular accidents). Due to the complexity of treating pet urine, we can't make any guarantees of stain or odor removal. 

Standard carpet cleaning processes often do not address pet urine concerns, which is why specific enzymatic cleaners are necessary. When urine evaporates, it leaves alkaline salts, emitting a smelly gas. This odor typically increases as the pet spot decomposes, putting off a bacterial gas. Pet-specific enzymes break down these salts for removal. Therefore, if pet urine is a concern, choosing a cleaning company with specific pet treatments is essential, rather than assuming a standard cleaning will address pet stains/odors. 

We love pets and are pet owners ourselves. We customize our pet treatments for each job after performing an on-site assessment. Our cleaning engineers will first determine the extent of the urine through visual inspection and confirm its presence with a moisture probe or a UV light. We will then develop a custom treatment plan using specialized cleaning techniques and pet-safe enzymatic cleaners designed to break down and neutralize the components of the urine, eliminating visible stains and underlying odor. As previously mentioned, we can't guarantee the complete removal of stains and odor, but we've had great success with our process throughout the 55+ years we've been in business. 

If you're dealing with dog urine stains or odors and are located in San Luis Obispo County, contact us for a FREE estimate to restore the cleanliness and freshness of your carpets.  

Fun Fact: Pet urine doesn't necessarily smell right away. When you notice an odor in your carpeting, it's possible the accident happened a while ago.