Moving Out? Info You'll Want to Know When Calling to Book

Moving out? If you live in a home with carpeting, you'll likely need to schedule a professional cleaning per the terms of your lease agreement. Here are some pieces of information that you'll want to have in mind when you call to schedule a cleaning appointment:

1. The address of the home

2. The areas of the home to be cleaned (e.g. living room, bedroom, stairs, etc.) and the square footage of these areas (not necessary but helpful to receive the most accurate estimate)

3. Any special cleaning concerns you have (e.g. pet stains, red stains, heavy soiling, etc.)

4. Whether there is parking available directly outside the home

5. Date(s)/time(s) that would work for the cleaning appointment. You'll want to schedule your carpet cleaning after you are totally moved out of the home and the home has been cleaned. It's important to make sure that the utilities will still be on at the time of the cleaning (water & electricity).

If you're ready to schedule your move out carpet cleaning, let us know.

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